Anyone who knows me knows I love adore obsess over my cats, Buddy and Princess. They are our four-legged fuzzy kids. Hubby and I love spoiling them rotten. They are never allowed into outer space (aka outside) unless they are safely within a shuttle craft (aka cat carrier). The biggest decision they have to make each day is whether or not to nap in a patch of sunshine, on the couch all snuggled in a blanket, or under the comforter in their own little kitty cave.
When it came time to write my books, it was kind of a no brainer for me to have some sort of lovable pet or other animal companion added in. I didn?t use cats or dogs; instead, I had one of my characters develop a close friendship with a horse and another with a figment of my imagination.
I?ve always loved horses. There?s something so primal about the relationship between man and horse that transcends time. They are intelligent, have their own personalities, and are?athletic?and gorgeous. When writing the Portals of Destiny series, I decided that someone on planet Earth needed to have a close relationship with a horse such that the two almost seemed to be one, able to escape dangerous situations, read each other?s minds. And it will break the man?s heart when he has to leave her behind?
On Astra, I had Kaelin Barlow befriend an adorable creature called an urgit she calls Moira. The urgit is pink and black and so dang cute you just want to eat her up. She, too, will have to face the agony of having to leave her beloved friend behind.
One of my favorite characters in the Harry Potter books was Hedwig I ?have a soft spot for animals. Although I?m not sure I?d be quite as bad as Hagrid and befriend a giant spider. Another memorable creature that stole my heart was Gratch from the Sword of Truth novels. One of the few times that I actually cried while reading a book. Gratch wasn?t the cute cuddly type of pet/friend you?d expect a hero to be attached to. Gratch is a large hairy beast with wings and normally eats people. Not usually a good combo for a man and his pet
But as is often the case, the fiercest predators can become the most loyal allies.
What are some of your favorite animals/pets/etc you?ve read about in a book? I?d love to hear from you!
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